Jisc Digital Student Consultation Event

This week we hosted the latest in the Jisc Digital Student Consultation events. Nearly 40 colleagues from across the Scottish HE and FE sector came here to GCU LEAD to share and discuss current and future developments around students changing expectations of their digital learning environments.   There are some really useful findings coming through from the consultations so far, which were summarized by Helen Beetham and Sarah Knight over the course of the day. Helen’s recent post gives a very comprehensive overview too.  Being part of the Blended Learning team here at GCU,  I was particularly struck by the use of “branding and blending’ of institutional provided digital services and resources and ones students either bring with them or start using during their studies. The idea of core learning and teaching provision is one I’ve been an advocate of for a long time, like many others I’ve been inspired by the work Mark Stubbs and his team have been doing at MMU around this.

We also streamed the talks from the day and the recording is available online if you would like to catch up with the presentations.

As well as joining in some thought provoking discussions I took some sketchnotes during the day too.

(Click on the image to see larger version)


Jisc Digital Student Consultation Event, 10 June 2014





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